Sunday, December 9, 2007

You are perfect!!

Just sent dad off at the airport..he was here for business trip..For the past 3 days, he'd been giving me lectures about life..

"You should..."
"You must.."
"You have to try to..."
"That's what you are here for..."

He had repeated these sentences for zillions of times..each time i heard something which I didn't agree with , I gave my points to defend myself. Then he said..

" don't get what I meant.."
"I'm not blaming you for what you should or shouldn't do..I'm just explaining to you.."

Then I kept quiet and chose not to react much and just nodded my head repeatedly..I realised why I reacted that way..I just don't like criticism..say something nice to me..something which I like to listen to..

When I was on the way back after sending dad off, I was wondering..everyone likes to listen to nice and sweet words..compliments followed by compliments..those might be something we like to hear..but are those REALLY what we want to hear? Dad might be might not be wrong..but this is after all not the main point..I should be receptive to criticism and comments on myself..I should not feel offended when being criticised..or else I'll never learn..never improve..I'm not as matured as what I have thought..I have much more to learn about life..

Only time will get me there...